n the High Holy Days I spoke about the reality that the Jewish community needs friends beyond our community to survive and flourish to ultimately heal the world. In this coming year, there will be Or Zarua activities and programs through which we can be present as a congregation. These might not be dialogue per say, but they are invaluable interactions that have an impact when we are visible and active as a Jewish community.  When we take care of people, care for earth, and live out our values side by side with our non-Jewish neighbors, we create relationships, understanding and connections that we need in these times of so much tzuris. Look at your calendar, talk to your friends, and join me.  Find one or more days and ways to add your ruach (spirit) and koach (strength).

Interfaith Relay for Life team raising money and awareness for the American Cancer Society.  We are going to be teaming up with folks from Community Church with whom we will have opportunities for action and interfaith dialogue through the winter and spring. Then, on the night of 5/1-5/2, we will participate in the Relay at Vero Beach High School.  We will have one walker or runner on the track and host a “campsite” with carnival games and activities.  It is a wonderful evening, honoring those who have died, supporting survivors and raising money for future research. 

Spoil Island Project: 11/15 with Alex Cicelsky as part of the ARZA Shabbaton.  We will leave Round Island by Boat at 8ish and return around noonish.  We will be clearing brush, working on benches, caring for paths, with some time for fun at the end.  You would need to wear “island work clothes”. Working together, caring for the environment we all benefit.

Please RSVP to Rabbi  at [email protected].

Olive Pressing  11/16:  This is an effort for TBS and any other willing volunteers.  We will crush the olives, press the mash and collect the juice that will become our olive oil.  All of the energy we exert on this day will become the fuel for our Holiday and Shabbat candles for months to come.

Thanksgiving Service: Join Rabbi Birnholz for this interfaith Thanksgiving service at St. Sebastian Catholic Church on  November 25th,  at 7:00 pm. 

 Literacy Services Holiday Fest:  We need folks who can help set up, clean up and host the table from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm, on 12/6 at Riverside Park. Last year we hosted a table with dreidel games and chanukiyah lighting.  It was incredibly successful and wonderful outreach. 

Soup Bowl & Shoo the Flu: 11/13 Please help support Samaritan Center’s annual Soup  Bowl here at TBS from 11:30am-1:30pm. Bring your friends and family to enjoy some schmooze time over lunch and support a very worthy cause. While you are at it, you can get your flu shot too! We will have the VNA  “Shoo The Flu” Clinic here for your convenience during the hours of the Soup Bowl.



Rabbi Michael Birnholz