Remembering Through Action
Our return to the Sanctuary for High Holy Days after an absence of four years might not be quite that dramatic, but it is still significant and calls on us to mark it with intention. We have the opportunity and responsibility to witness experiences of being a sacred remnant, reconnecting and restoring after a loss.
Finding the Remnants of Blessings past
Our return to the Sanctuary for High Holy Days after an absence of four years might not be quite that dramatic, but it is still significant and calls on us to mark it with intention. We have the opportunity and responsibility to witness experiences of being a sacred remnant, reconnecting and restoring after a loss.
A Rabbi Says Thank You
I am awash in awe and thanksgiving. I feel the impact of my efforts and my heart is full of appreciation for all of the people, in big moments and small ways, have stepped forward to give their ruach and koach, energy, wisdom and resources to me, my family and to our congregation. I have witnessed Temple Beth Shalom truly be that House of Shalom: a place where we create something extraordinary, wholeness and harmony more than the sum of it’s parts….