April 2015 scroll article
In this month of Passover, as we talk about the people of Israel marching through the divided waters and crossing the Sea of Reeds, it is a great time to reflect on one of the significant rites of passage here at Temple Beth Shalom. Much of my time is spent on the Bar and Bat […]
March 2015 scroll article
At home and away, I have had opportunities to re-imagine words of prayer that I say all of the time: “in the house and on the way” (Deuteronomy 6:5). First, standing at Robinson’s Arch during the B’nai Mitzvah service in Jerusalem, I saw these words and the world from a different perspective. There we […]
MLK Jr. Parade
Two ways to participate with Temple Beth Shalom in The Martin Luther King Jr. Parade The theme for the Parade is: Stand For Something or Fall For Nothing, Make That Change Our “float” will feature the verse from Pirke Avot: Wisdom of our Sages “The world stands on three […]
November 2014 scroll article
O n the High Holy Days I spoke about the reality that the Jewish community needs friends beyond our community to survive and flourish to ultimately heal the world. In this coming year, there will be Or Zarua activities and programs through which we can be present as a congregation. These might not be dialogue per […]
October 2014 scroll article
A t the end of August, I presented the URJ Elul Mitzvah Challenge. 1 This challenge was a great way to tune in to the work of Cheshbon Nefesh, the reflective work/self-examination and get ready for High Holy Days. The videos in this Challenge could be great inspiration, but I worry that in making videos about our […]