Cantor Sara Kheel February 2021 Scroll article

At sundown on February 25, we begin the holiday of Purim. As Jews, we have many exciting Purim traditions. We dress up in costumes, attend carnivals, and put on plays that make fun of not only the story of Purim, but also popular culture and politics. One tradition tells us that we are supposed to […]

Cantor Kheel January 2021 Scroll article

One day, Honi the Circle Maker was walking along the road in his village, and he noticed a man planting a tree. He asked the man about tree. The man told Honi that it was a carob tree and that it would take seventy years for the carob to grow. Honi wondered why the man […]

Cantor Kheel’s December 2020 scroll article

It is no secret that I am a self-described “foodie.” You may have seen a couple of my baking demonstrations on the Temple Beth Shalom Facebook page. I am also one of those millennials who takes pictures of the things I cook and posts them on social media. As we approach Chanukah, I thought that […]

Keep on Blessing: Cantor’s November 2020 Scroll article

We are now entering the month of November. As this month on the secular calendar contains the holiday of Thanksgiving, it is traditional to spend some time reflecting on the things for which we are thankful. This year, it may be harder to find reasons to be thankful. A deadly pandemic has ravaged our world […]

October 2020 Scroll article

I Sukkot is one of Judaism’s more social holidays. The sukkah, the booth in which we traditionally eat and sleep for eight days, is an outward celebration of Jewish life, and it is customarily placed somewhere that is accessible to guests. “Sukkah hopping,” visiting various friends’ and families’ sukkot during the holiday, is an important […]