Religious & Hebrew School

Learning at Temple Beth Shalom

Temple Beth Shalom Religious School offers a vibrant learning environment enriched by classes, music, art, gardening, worship experiences, drama, storytelling, and more. Our students are prepared to identify strongly as Jews and to participate as dedicated and proud members of the Jewish community. Our students learn to embrace Judaism out of love and respect for our shared history, ideals, values, language heritage and traditions.

Religious School

Meets Sunday Mornings
9:30am - Noon

Hebrew School

Meets Wednesday Afternoons
4:30pm - 6:00pm

We have a wide range of activities to meet the needs of students of all ages, including:

  • Sunday School
  • Hebrew School
  • Torah Tots & Tot Shabbat
  • B’nai Mitzvah and post B’nai Mitzvah studies
  • Family & Intergenerational Programs
  • Youth Group
  • Holiday & Israel Programs
  • Tzedakah & Mitzvah Projects
  • Connecting families with Jewish Summer Camp & Israel Travel Program options.

Our program is designed to achieve the following educational goals:

  • To nurture and develop a positive Jewish identity.
  • To create a fulfilling Jewish experience as part of the Temple community.
  • To develop basic Jewish literacy in history, rituals, holidays, Tanach, Israel, lifecycles, Hebrew and prayer.
  • To create Jewish prayer experiences, developing each individual’s relationship with G-d, comfort with prayer and personal spirituality.
  • To engage every member of the Temple community in educational programs and experiences and encourage participation in social action.
  • To encourage our young people to form social relationships with other young Jewish members in their community.
  • To model learning as a life-long pursuit and as a strong Jewish value.
  • To appreciate and celebrate our place in K’lal Yisrael, the totality of the Jewish world.

Please contact our Education Director, Mindy Lessem Pollack, for more information [email protected]. We welcome your inquiries.