Sisterhood Membership Information
For membership information, please call or email Bobbi Feiertag at 772.489.0843 or [email protected].
Dear Sisterhood Members,
Temple Beth Shalom Sisterhood provides a collective identity for the women of our Congregation. Sisterhood offers opportunities for you to become active in the life of our Temple. It is also a means of connecting to the many women of our congregational family.
As we start our new year, we are always looking for women with creative energy and talent. Please bring your new ideas and volunteer.
As a member, you will receive Simply Sisterhood by email. If you do not have email, please note it on your membership form and we’ll mail you a copy. You can also view our events by going to the Temple website,
Please return your form and your check made payable to TBS Sisterhood. Remember, events can not be attended before your dues are paid.
Sisterhood looks forward to the support of all of the women of our Congregation. Please come and get involved!
Bobbi Feiertag
Membership Chair
Membership Dues:
$40 Non Temple Members-regardless of age
$25 Senior Temple Members
$35 Temple Members